Desktop art, fractal images, geometrical studies, notes, sketches, etc.. This section will update continuously, as new material develops.
All of the images below were created from visual meanderings. Many of these images are snapshots from explorations of the math/geometry which have advanced the soundscapes offered within these pages...
Choose from a category of visual delights below and enjoy...
Desktop Images
A variety of desktops themes ranging from artistic dabbling, to musings on the symmetries of "chaos". Many images are a glimpse of the ideas and information behind LQ work. Others just look so interesting that they simply must be shared...
It is through the exploration of geometry, that one may reveal the framework of the cosmos and our own interplay with it. Truly, all that we experience may be communicated through the use of geometry's works.
Fractals reveal the harmonious phase space within chaos and its finely tuned predictable foundations. View fractal creations from the classic iterations, as well as new mathematical spelunkings...
LucidQuest soundscapes are engineered upon waveform 'maps'. These simple geometrical foundations provide a framework for communicating logic as a universal waveform experience.
A call for Renascence - Let's get to work by tempering understanding and creating wisdom. The merging of Art and Science is a fundamental requirement towards promoting the longevity of any future societies. By uniting these two disciplines one can deliver the wonder and truth (of the complex and divine) to all. --2003 Michael Kelley--